In July, the consortium met in Heerlen, the home of the Open University in The Netherlands, with the mision of sharing progress and involving teachers and educcation advisors in the project. Battling through 40 degree heat, the partners delivered a series of demonstration sessions of the CloudClass technology to teachers and staff from the University who had formerly expressed an interest in the project (and, in many cases, had taken part in the activities of Work Package 1).

The focus for these sessions was to share progress on the development and to explore possible collaborations with teachers and other actors from across the University in advance of Work Package 5. As well as demonstrating the technology, discussions focused on the potential use cases that will be validated in WP5 and on exploring opportunities to develop these use cases with teachers and students as the project progresses.

Up to three intensive sesions with different groups were developed during the two days of the meeting, and the response from all participants was positive with most agreeing to join the Advisory Panel and many expressing an interest in working with the consortium to validate the CloudClass technology.